Get Involved

Join us!
There are many different ways to engage with the Broadmoor Improvement Association's work to improve the quality of life for everyone who lives, works, worships, and plays in Broadmoor. From joining a committee to cultivating a community garden, to serving on the BIA's board of commissioners, there is something for everyone who is committed to the holistic health and wellbeing of our community. See below for more information about current opportunities to get involved and sign up for community engagement and volunteer opportunities.
Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities: The BIA offers several ongoing opportunities to support our regular programs and services, including at the Broadmoor Food Pantry and Broadmoor Boutique, annual neighborhood cleanup days, and Broadmoor social events. Learn more about ongoing volunteer opportunities and sign up here!
Join the Board!
Serve on the BIA's Board of Commissioners! The BIA is managed by 2 Co-Directors and a Board of Commissioners who are publicly elected. The Board of Commissioners consists of twelve members, nine of whom are elected from the three subgroups of Broadmoor, identified as A, B, and C. The other three board members are appointed based on the expertise they bring to the organization.
The BIA is currently seeking board commissioners from Subgroups A and B. Click here to determine which subgroup of Broadmoor you live in. Fill out this form to indicate your interest in joining the Board of Commissioners. One of our current board members will contact you to discuss further.