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Interim Zoning District (IZD) Meeting Tonight

New Orleans District A City Councilmember Joseph Giarrusso will be considering an Interim Zoning District (IZD) in the Uptown, Carrollton, Marlyville, and Broadmoor neighborhoods. This IZD, which is temporary, would require one off-street parking space for each new bedroom for new construction and renovation projects within the IZD boundaries.

This is identical to the University Area IZD CM Giarrusso put in place in 2020, with new boundaries.

New Orleans District A City Councilmember Joseph Giarrusso is hosting a meeting where you can learn more about what is proposed, and present questions or concerns. The motion will be considered by the City Council for final approval.

The meeting will take place virtually on Monday, October 3 at 6pm.

You can join the meeting at this link:

Meeting ID: 184 295 120

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Meeting ID: 184 295 120

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If you are unable to attend and would like to receive information about the proposal or have additional questions, please contact Claire Byun, Councilmember Giarrusso's Land Use and Policy Director, at, 504-658-1010.

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