Broadmoor Neighborhood Meeting Agenda for 11/18
Join us on Monday, November 18th from 7-8pm for the Neighborhood Meeting, free and open to the public. It takes place at Broadmoor Community Church, 2021 S. Dupre St.
Here is the agenda:
7:00 pm: Call to order & welcome from BIA Executive Director Sarah Pritchard
7:05 pm: Presentation from Anne Coglianese, Coastal Resilience Program Manager, City of
New Orleans / Office of Resilience and Sustainability
● Learn about the City of New Orleans’ efforts to restore coastal wetlands and promote
climate change resilience.
7:15 pm: Presentation from Eric Dworkin, Top Box Foods
● Learn about opportunities to access fresh, affordable food in Broadmoor.
7:30 pm: Presentation from Bethanie Mangigian, Broadmoor Improvement Association Lead
Social Worker
● Learn about the Broadmoor community survey, an opportunity to make your voice heard
about issues facing the neighborhood.
7:45 pm: Open forum for community questions and comments
8:00 pm: Meeting adjourns