Broadmoor Neighborhood Meeting Notes — March 15, 2021

Thank you to everyone who attended the March neighborhood meeting, held via Zoom on Monday, March 15. The March Neighborhood Meeting Focused on Workforce Development opportunities for residents. The meeting featured an announcement from Sen. Karen Carter Peterson, a Presentation from Toure Folkes of Turning Tables, Sinnidira Taylor of Codey’s Commissionary announcement, and Senior Community Service Employment Program Presentation from Jeanette Delgado, ANPPM and an introduction of the Broadmoor Boutique by the BIA Wellness Director. The BIA also discussed the three Broadmoor green spaces partnership which are the Broadmoor Food Forest, Broadmoor Food Pantry Garden at the Broadmoor Community Church, and the Broadmoor Rain Garden. Residents can sign up to get involved in the Broadmoor Garden Celebration & Service Day. If you missed the March meeting, click here to read the minutes.
The next Broadmoor neighborhood meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 19 from 7:00–8:00 pm. This meeting will be a socially-distanced opportunity to connect with your fellow Broadmoor residents, learn more about the BIA's contributions to the neighborhood, and give your suggestions for how to build a better Broadmoor. Weather permitting, the meeting will be held outside on the lawn of the Rosa Keller Library and live-streamed via Zoom for those who do not feel comfortable meeting in-person. Click here for the Zoom Link.