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Tribute to Lola 'Lil Mama' Turner

The Broadmoor Improvement Association has fond memories of Lola "Lil Mama" Turner. We are saddened by her passing and will remember her kind spirit that touched so many in Broadmoor. As an active member of our community, she hosted the Broadmoor Night out Against Crime for over 15 years.

Broadmoor resident and former President of the Broadmoor Board of Commissioners Maggie Carroll stated "Lola “Lil Mama” Turner was loved by our Broadmoor community and she will be greatly missed. As her obituary notes, “Her doors were also opened to many who received her nurturing.” Her porch was the place to be in our neighborhood. Lil Mama's caring spirit and unmatched energy was a source of encouragement for all who crossed her path. I am so thankful to have had her in my life and to her family for sharing her with so many. We love you, Lil Mama. "

2020 Broadmoor Board President Ernest Johnson remembered Lola 'Lil Mama' Turner with these words, "I meet Lil Mama three years ago at a community meeting as she was a long time Broadmoor resident and often seen at community events. Although her nickname was Lil Mama nothing about her dedication and commitment to Broadmoor was Little. Her commitment was absolute and she had a cheerful personality. It was a pleasure to have known and interacted with Lil Mama and an honor to call her friend. May she rest in peace and may her memory be a blessing."

The BIA is grateful to her for all of the investment she poured into our neighborhood. Her legacy will live on and we will deeply miss her.

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